Free supper and a boring day
Is friday, weekend is here again, sleep at 7am and woke up at 11.35am. Going to meet my projectmates at 1pm in school for the accounting project. Is raining cats and dogs during the period of 11+ onwards. Dam it, having gastric pain and it made me keep going to the toilet. Was late again to meet them, reaches school at 2pm. Wanted to help, at least I am trying to help my mates but seem like I didn't help much through. After awhile, I went to join those clubs in school, intend to join only 1 but end up joining 4 manz. The clubs that I join are YoungEN, pool, wakeboarding and floorball. Seem interesting manz. Went to have lunch and feel much better after that.
Went to lecture after that. Today lecture was only an hour cause before that, there is group presentation for other project groups, mine will be next week. The lecturer talked about our group project and he had added more things into the assignment, which means that will be more things for us to do. Sian manz. =(
Aiya, forgot to get the free food. Haha.
After lecture, went to student lounge to play foosball. Foosball was fun but played too manytimes, you will feel bore out of it so I guess we will be cutting down on playing that. Frankie and I worn a free supper from YongChuan and Adam.

The foosball player going into the student lounge. (white shirt: Frankie, black tee: YC and center: Adam)
Went home after the game. Was feeling dam tired and fall asleep after my dinner. Wake up at pass mid-nite. Is friday nite and I got my nite wasted just like that. Haiz =( Hope I have fun tomorrow manz. =)
Dam singnet, make my connection down when publish today blog, this is a rewrite of that perivous one. Have to retype the whole things. So troublesome manz!
brother, u confirm never even read my blog before, and at the time u linked with me. better still, i doubt u have even read it now till this date.
come on! i've shifted to!!!
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